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Samantha LLC Cast (interior + exterior scenes)

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Samantha LLC Cast (interior + exterior scenes)

Product Details

Samantha LLC (scene interne + esterne)

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Samantha cadendo dalle scale si frattura una gamba, ha un gesso fino all'inguine LLC.
Rientra in casa, appena ingessata e dolorante. Cammina con le stampelle. Scene all'interno dove Samantha si cambia d'abito, si prepara per uscire. Scene all'interno e esterne (negozio). in fine video Samantha indossa un abbigliamento sexy.

Non perdetevi questo lungo video magnifico!!!

(durata 33.16 minuti - 1,83 GB - audio in italiano)

Samantha LLC (interior + exterior scenes)

Samantha falling down the stairs fractures her leg, has a cast up to her groin LLC.

She re-enters the house, freshly plastered and in pain. Walking with crutches. Scenes inside where Samantha changes clothes, gets ready to go out. Scenes inside and outside (shop). at the end of the video Samantha wears a sexy outfit.

Don't miss this great long video!!!

(duration 33:16 minutes -1,85 GB- audio in italian - English subtitles)

Samantha cadendo dalle scale si frattura una gamba, ha un gesso fino all'inguine LLC.

Rientra in casa, appena ingessata e dolorante. Cammina con le stampelle. Scene all'interno dove Samantha si cambia d'abito, si prepara per uscire. Scene all'interno e esterne (negozio). in fine video Samantha indossa un abbigliamento sexy.

Non perdetevi questo lungo video magnifico!!!

(durata 33.16 minuti - 1,83 GB - audio in italiano)

Samantha LLC (interior + exterior scenes)

Samantha falling down the stairs fractures her leg, has a cast up to her groin LLC.

She re-enters the house, freshly plastered and in pain. Walking with crutches. Scenes inside where Samantha changes clothes, gets ready to go out. Scenes inside and outside (shop). at the end of the video Samantha wears a sexy outfit.

Don't miss this great long video!!!

(duration 33:16 minutes -1,85 GB- audio in italian - English subtitles)